Imaginary Companionship Essay

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Lars is a single 27-year old male living in the garage of his family 's home. His brother, Gus, and sister in law, Karin, live in the house that was given to him and Lars after their dad died. Lars and his brother’s mom died when Lars was born and he never had another female figure in his life growing up. Lars has always been very distant and antisocial but lately things have gotten worst. Recently, Lars introduced his new girlfriend Bianca to his family and friends. Bianca is a sex doll Lars bought online. Gus and Karin don 't know what to do and decides that it would be best to trick Lars into seeing their family doctor, who is also a psychologist, Dr. Dagmar. She pretends to be Bianca 's doctor and diagnoses her with having low blood pressure. While waiting on Bianca to get her …show more content…

Dagmar conducts secret therapy sessions with Lars. While searching for current research that related to this movie, I decided to focus on Lars imaginary companionship and fear of intimacy. Manosevitz, M., Prentice, N. M., & Wilson, F. (1973), conducted a study on 222 preschool children where their parents filled out a questionnaire on the factors associated with the presence or absence of imaginary companions. In the article, the authors explained that an imaginary companion was and invisible character named and referred to in conversation. In the absence of siblings and peers the social interaction in age-mates may be greatly reduced leading the child to create an imaginary companion. Although Lars is far into his adulthood, believing that Bianca is alive is a consequence of him having that absence of companionship while growing up. According to Alperin, (2001) intimacy is a desire that a person has when they are a newborn, everyone needs it for sustenance. People who have intimate relationships are

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