Larry Nassar's Abuse In Gymnastics

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The Price of Perfection
The topic that I will explore for this expository essay is Larry Nassar and sexual abuse in gymnastics. My essay will seek to answer how Larry Nassar’s abuse went on for so long, who allowed the abuse to happen, and what effect this scandal will have on the future of gymnastics. As a member of the USA Gymnastics Organization, whose coaches and board members many blame for the abuse, I have a firsthand connection to this scandal. Not only did I attend the Michigan State Gymnastics Camp, the former workplace of Larry Nassar himself and his defender and former head coach of the team, Kathie Klages, but through my eleven years of gymnastics have trained under a coach who was fired for sexual abuse allegations, one who was fired for inappropriate coaching techniques and another who lost his business due to falsified allegations and stigma. I will use these experiences to personalize my essay and compare them to that of those abused by Nassar.
The scandal is interesting to me for three main reasons. The location of most of Nassar’s abuse occured at the National Team Training Camp in Texas, but it was discovered that Nassar NEVER had a valid medical license there. Secondly, Nassar’s abuse was reported to police and school officials in 1997, but he wasn’t taken into custody until 2016. Lastly, there …show more content…

250 woman lost their innocence and love for their sport. 250 casualties of Larry Nassar’s abuse. These casualties didn’t just affect the gymnastics world. The #metoo movement, which started in Hollywood, has reached all aspects of our society. It has affected politics, government, large corporations, the performing arts, and sports. The pervasive nature of this movement has piqued the areas of interest of almost everyone, making the aspects of this scandal relevant to a larger

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