Laissez-Faire Capitalism

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It is important to understand concepts of government terms because one should know what they are voting for or against. Laissez-Faire Capitalism, Equality of Opportunity, and Political Opportunity are government conditions and one should be aware of the definitions of all and understand given examples. In addition, these terms not only are considered among government vocabulary, but also intertwine with the topic of liberty. Laissez-Faire Capitalism is a term used when discussing a form of government control and just how much control the government has over its citizens’. The phrase means “very little room for for the national government to regulate trade or restricts the use of private property, even in the public interest” (We The People, …show more content…

Farmers have the choice to harvest whatever they please on their own farms, the government has no control to what they produce. To further explain, the opposite of this term would be the modern day society's FDA or also known as the Food and Drug Administration. The government in the U.S. has formed this committee to closely inspect all products sold by companies and any other citizens who market their products. Although, Laissez-Faire Capitalism is a fairly critical term, Equality of Opportunity is just as important. The next government term one may come across as unfamiliar is Equality of Opportunity. As a citizen of the United States of America, every person has the right to the same opportunities as any other citizen. The concept depicts the idea that “each person should be given as far chance to go as far as his or her talents will allow” (We The People, 25). However, when observing acts of equality, it is clear that some may stand at contrasting viewpoints. In this case, one can begin to examine past events to further …show more content…

Political Equality depicts the concept of “members of the American political community have the right to participate in politics on equal terms” (We The People 25). This means that absolutely every citizen of the U.S. that is associated with the political community. To further represent and illustrate the idea of Political Equality, one can analyze the example given. Political Equality can be constructed as the citizen’s right to vote, this is how one can participate in the political community. The right to vote, freedom of speech, and also another example is the right to one person/one vote. Political Equality is granted to all citizens of the United States of America. One should understand that both, political equality and equality of opportunity is given to all citizens. Furthermore, now that the terms have been defined and demonstrated through examples, one should examine how some of these terms are similar or

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