Lady Macbeth's Manipulation Essay

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Women can be very commanding individuals. Women can manipulate men so much, that in the end they transform and turn into something they never considered they would become. In a culture that values male strength over other things, a women’s manipulative capabilities can be extremely beneficial. Women don’t nearly have as much strength in a society where men are valued respected more, therefore, women have to figure out other means to get control. Women may be keen to use their intellectual capabilities to help their power-hungry minds. Lady Macbeth was a woman who did not have any power, but she had a need for it. Therefore, she manipulated Macbeth into killing King Duncan. After that, everything just went downhill, and what they have done …show more content…

The demise of the events that happened was because of a power-hungry woman named Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth manipulation of Macbeth disoriented Macbeth. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, it states: “Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life / And live a coward. (I.vii.46-47). Her words have an effect on him for the worse. Macbeth had a clear mind before she started to play with his emotions. She calls him a coward because he cannot perform an act that men should be able to do. Of course Macbeth is a man, but back in those times, the ability to act like a man was very important too. The idea of being a man and to perform in such a way that a “typical” man does was what society expected of a man. Lady Macbeth used this expectation to confuse Macbeth and make him think that he was not acting as a “perfect” man should. This caused the first problem: the killing of kind Duncan. Masculinity was very important to all men at this time, and Lady Macbeth used this to her advantage to make Macbeth do what she wanted him to do. In addition, Lady Macbeth manipulated Macbeth only for her personal gain. In the play Macbeth by William

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