Lady Macbeth of William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Lady Macbeth of William Shakespeare's Macbeth

My impression of Lady Macbeth throughout the first two Acts of Macbeth

is formed

by the following;

· Lady Macbeth's relationship/behaviour with her husband Macbeth.

· Lady Macbeths Behaviour with others.

Lady Macbeth is definitely the stronger character in the first half of

the play. Even

before she appears, we hear about her in Act 1 Scene 2 line 54 where

she is referred to

as Bellona the Roman goddess of war. This gives the audience an

impression of a

strong forceful woman.

The first time we actually meet Lady Macbeth is in Act 1 Scene 5 line


She enters reading a letter from Macbeth. On line 9, Macbeth refers to

her as 'my

dearest partner of greatness'.

This quote shows the enormous amount of respect Macbeth has for his

wife. He

treats Lady Macbeth as his equal and trusts her enough to tell her

about his meeting

with the weird sisters. This is unusual behaviour for a man of the

Elizabethan period; relationships between men and women tended to be

one sided

The men considered themselves to be superior and women accepted it.

At this point in the play, I believe Macbeth depends on his wife,

loves her and

needs her opinion, this is shown throughout his letter to her.

However, I think she is with him for other reasons, I believe she

Is power hungry she needs power. This could be one of the reasons why

she is

determined to make Macbeth the King. The crown will give her the high


status that she craves.

As much as Macbeth treats his wife as an equal she, on the other hand,


Macbeth as a fool .An example of this is in Act 1, Scene 7, lines 38


She says;

'Art thou afeard

To be the same in thine own act and valour,

As thou art in desire?

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