Human Flaws In Lady Macbeth

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Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare in which a king and his wife come into power through inhumane and unjust actions. From murder to selfish desires this play depicts a story of how human flaws can escalate and become more than just flaws but an individual 's mindset and character. Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a contradiction to the typical women of this time period, letting her masculine integrity outweigh her feminine strengths, ultimately leading to herself and her husband 's success but more importantly their downfall. Lady Macbeth is seen as an image of ambition from the time she is introduced in the play. Her character at the start in comparison to Macbeth’s is less human and life-like. Lady Macbeths savage nature, …show more content…

What 's done is done" (3.2.13-14)” to a mentally disturbed sleepwalker who believes her deeds can never be cleansed. She continuously washes her hands to wash away the blood that she feel will be with her forever. “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!—One, two. Why, then, ’tis time to do ’t. Hell is murky!” (5.1.25-26) The blood represents the evil that is within her, her sleepwalking a visions are a constant reminder to her that of which what she has constantly tried to forget. Her demise comes faster than Macbeth’s (even though both of them go mad) mainly because of her heavy stray away from femininity. Her constant self denial but self awareness of her wicked actions, and her trying to hide herself even from herself. Macbeth strayed less away from masculinity then she did and knew not of what he was doing. He was following the words and torments of his dear wife, but after she looses it, he begins to realize as well. On the final topic of role reversal in this gender heavy drama, the symbol of Lady Macbeth’s suicide is heavily important. The importance of masculinity shines through when the last symbol of femininity leaves. The three witches who begin the play are replaced by a male figure to end and speak the final words. Macduff born by a women towards the end mentions her as not important in his birth process. Femininity dies, along with Lady Macbeth. Seeking to be nothing but masculine but being such a symbol of women. Knowing she couldn’t achieve her goals through the time periods ideas on how a female is supposed to be so used her wits and cunning demeanor to achieve her goals. Sort of makes you want to feel bad for her, doesn’t it? Feel bad that in order to feel like she needed to get somewhere in life, accomplish something, be the perfect “man,” she couldn’t be herself. And because of this, it was the reason to her early demise and more

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