Lack Of Resistance To Corruption In The United States

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A society cannot thrive without the resistance to corruption. Conforming to this leads to a path of self-destruction. Peaceful resistance has the most positive impact on a free society because it shows how knowledge and empathy are the most powerful tools to handle corruption. The principles of acknowledging corruption within the government and the protection of the minority creates peaceful resistance.
Humans have invariably been corrupted since the beginning of time. Often one has values that are put ahead in front of others, even if those actions have a negative effect on others. Selfish desires runs in the minds of everyone, from students and teachers, to citizens and legislators. Thus, the laws that are created and imposed on society …show more content…

The laws that are created can seem practical from the majority’s viewpoint, but it can also undermine the minority. This leads to outcomes of inequality and apathy towards others.
Today, America is in turmoil under President’s Trump from his executive order, banning 7 predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. The Muslim community holds a place as a minority in the United States, and is entitled to the same rights as any other American. Targeting a group of individuals because of their religion is Un-American and an atrocity. The lack of resistance would only encourage tyranny and destroy our American values of liberty and freedom.
Leaving the minority on its own leads to damaging effects to the society itself. We would lose the diversity that creates America’s beauty. The majority must be willing to recognize the threat to the minority population in order to protect their existence. Since the creation of Executive Order 13769, Americans have protested against this atrocity to show the disapproval of this act. Thousands of members of the majority have realized that even though the law will not effective, it is unjust and requires to be abolished. The protesting from lawyers and from others show how positive aspects from a peaceful resistance. These protesters deserve the utmost respect because they are protecting American

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