Kubla Khan Dbq

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In 1260, Kublai Khan succeeded his oldest brother, Möngke Khan, and ruled over China until his death in 1294. Kublai Khan’s foreign policy and domestic changes positively influence Chinese trade within itself, and with Europe. He had a paper currency that could be used to purchase anything within the Empire and allowed people to enter debt. He appointed foreigners into high government positions that encouraged foreign merchants to trade within the his kingdom. His kingdom had areas designated for foreigners, well kept roads, and laws that were more lenient than those of Europe. Kublai Khan’s facilitation to trading was one of the reasons that both natives and foreigners of many professions came to admire Yuan China.
One of the most important …show more content…

Marco Polo tells that “there is another regulation adopted by the [Kublai Khan], equally ornamental and useful. On both sides of the roads he causes trees to be planted, . . . they serve to point out the road; which is of great assistance and affords much comfort to travellers.” By having roads with trees, aside from the benefit that traders can stay in the shade during the summer, pointing out the road allows the traders to take advantages of the roads during any conditions, even if snow were to cover the path. This allowed merchants to travel long distances throughout the four seasons. The Mongol penal laws were also much milder than those of the Song dynasty or European countries at the time. An example of the mildness of Mongol law to that of the Song dynasty is that the Chinese tatooed the crimes of a criminal on their body. Although the Mongols allowed this to continue, they no longer allowed the tattooing to go anywhere other than the upper arms and neck. And for cultures that did not practice this punishment Mongol authorities wrote the offense on a wall in front of a criminal’s home. In the Mongol legal code of 1291, it is specified that officials must “first use reason to analyze and surmise, and shall not impose abruptly any torture.” In Europe, the church and state were passing laws to expand the usage of torture without evidence. Examples of European torture include being impaled, various forms …show more content…

Merchants came to this land, and along with them came doctors, scholars and prostitutes. The doctors spread ideas and techniques and scholars practiced their trade.In Kanbalu, the capital, “The suburbs are even more populous than the city, and it is there that the merchants and others whose business leads them to the capital, and who, on account of its being the residence of the court, resort thither in great numbers, take up their abode. . . Women who live by prostituting themselves. . . confine themselves to the suburbs, where . . . there reside above five-and-twenty thousand; nor is this number greater than is necessary for the vancourse of merchants and other strangers, who . . . are continually arriving and departing.” The prostitutes helped keep merchants in Kanbalu where they would trade valuable and rare items from all parts of the world. This could include pearls and spices from such as India, or raw silk and gold tissues from other parts of the

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