Klas Eriksson's Impact On My Life

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Klas Eriksson was the name I gave to the preacher that met me after our successful landing. He thanked me most graciously for coming to the aide of protestants facing the boot of Ferdinand II of the house Hapsburg. He asked about my origins and the impact god had made on my life. I began to recite my rugged religious and military past in response. Speaking of my past, I told him about my Lutheran beginnings growing up. Although my father was a deeply religious man, I enlisted myself as a mercenary at the passing of my sixteenth birthday. I felt destined to make my own way and while god had a place within my life; this conflict felt much the same as the wars in Poland in years past in this regard. I hadn’t been back at my estate for some time …show more content…

My motivations aren’t as noble as I would lead the preacher to know. Religious authority and power are the motivating forces behind this conflict and while I may respect King Gustav II Adolf for his prowess and skill on the battlefield; he’s motivated by the same concepts. My aristocratic background may have come out a bit in my handling of the preacher but he seems more fixated on congratulating my companions than learning anything particular about us. In truth, it’s the financial means that Sweden supplies me with that spurns me across the Baltic Sea into Ferdinand II’s domain. I can’t say it isn’t satisfying to fight on the supposedly protestant side but alas it’s the financial obligations that dictate my path. The cries of protestants have called our King Gustav II Adolf into arms and with it we have followed to the Holy Roman Empire, scourge of the continent and figurehead for Hapsburg power. This is the means for my conquest into the Holy Roman Empire and this war that is beginning to threaten all of Europe. Denmark was weak and folded before our entangling conflict in Poland concluded bringing us

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