Kite Runner Sacrifice

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The film adaptation of The Kite Runner does not diminisb the complexity of the story. This is due to the film portraying aspects of sacrifice in comparison to the novel correctly such as Hassan sacrificing himself for Amir, Amir sacrificing himself to find Sohrab, Baba sacrificing hid life for a woman that he doesn't know and Farrid sacrificing himself throughout the novel and film to help Qmir find Sohrab. Hassab sacrifices himself ti get the blue kite for Amir which is portrayed correctly in the film. In the Hassan had been raped by Assef to get the blue kite that Amir cut for Amir to be the winner of the whole tournament which is set out exactly the same in the film. "Maybe Hassan was the price i had to pay, the lamb i had to slay to …show more content…

He does this while knowing and understanding the risks that follow such as being shot. The film has the major aspects of this scene done exactlt as it is portrayed in the novel. In chapter 10 Baba says, "Tell him I'll take a thousand of his bullets before i let this indecency take place." Farrid sacrifices himself through helping Amir gind Soharb while knowing all the possible risks and the dangerous situation in Afghanistan. There are many occurrences were he could have been killed such as the time Amir stares at a Taliban official when it is regarded as basically illegal in Afghanistan at the time. Another possible time that could have gotten him killed is when Amir escapes from his fight with Assef while Taliban soldiers shoot at Farrid's van as he drives away. "Maybe I will help you find the boy." Farrid says to Amir on page 221. The film does portray Amir sacrificing his life for Sohrab. Amir goes through terrible situations that leave him wounded to get Sohrab and take him with him. His sacrifice is being beaten by Assef to protect Sohrab from him and let him leave. He escapes with Sohrab but is badly beaten. "I realised something: I would not leave Afghanistan without finding Sohrab." Amir

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