Kiorstami Influence On American Films

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Since American cinema style is terribly known universally I decided to compare a North-American film to a film that is not as popular and is not yet broadly recognisable. Abbas Kiarostami is an Iranian filmmaker who has a sui generis approach to the representation reality. His films can certainly be labeled either has landscape or road movies. Both styles are inherent to American culture, however the metaphorical meaning is easily linked to any part of the world. In many of Kiarostami’s films we can see an inherent desire for human mobility and to highlight this aspect of his work I decided to reflect upon his film Ten, where I think this aspect is most present. Ten takes place on the road not only that but there are also other important aspects …show more content…

As a matter of fact road movies are connected with post-war and the cultural revolutionary periods. The two World Wars and Great Depression in America created a burst in the population and that was reflected as a desire to express in films. The road gained a meaning, not only of transportation from one place to the other but also freedom and isolation from the hum-drum routines of daily life. America’s film industry is arguably the most famous and the biggest and so it is only logic that most genres would immerge there. Road Movies is a genre that is as attached to America as Marlboro is connected with cowboys. The American highways and roads are something one can find in every country even if they are visually different the concept is the same – getting from a place to another. The endless mythic road that leads to nowhere is the symbolic element of finding the true path for the inner self, as well the true America. The ticket for this journey is one-way. People in this genre usually start out with a question, usually existencial, however, the character does not immediately find the answer and typically the question will develop and change and it is only at the end of these films that the character finds an answer. Having said all this, one may encounter road movies where the question is never answered. Freedom and the unexpected are essentials in a road movie as well as the American ideology of individualism, which defines America’s society since the declaration of independence with the “unabiable” rights – Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; and populism. These two aspects, which have been a constant in America’s society, are hence terribly important in road movies. The goal of these films is how “isolation of the

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