Kinich Aha The Emic Analysis

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It was quite an experience to dive into the cultures of ancient southern and central american societies such as the Maya, Aztec and Inca civilizations. As i traveled through this large exhibit I couldn't help but notice how seriously these civilizations took craftsmanship. I believe it was fully because many of these small items that were featured on display such as ceremonial, stools, masks, vases etc...were extremely detailed and well made. Not to mention that the majority of the sacred/ritual objects were forged of gold and jade; two extremely vital elements to the function of their societies. They believed elements such as these were the waste of the gods but, to them they were perceived as gifts due to their rarity and visual aesthetics. Gold was specifically exclaimed to be from the sun god named Kinich …show more content…

In essence, being able to understand different viewpoints with an unbiased mental state allows one to perceive their own culture differently and question what the value of their own culture are and more importantly why they are. I am positive this research is also accompanied by Etic perspectives contained by the working Anthropologists as well because prior to the spread of this information, it had to be completely true and objective; opinionated research does not do much for the sake of educating those who read it besides an input of the researcher’s emotions as pertaining to the research at hand. The cultivation of these aforementioned societies is also a symbolism for “off the veranda” anthropology as well because all of the items obtained for this exhibit and information featured is from the efforts of scholars travelling to these sites first hand to make this information as accurate as possible . As relating to race and ethnicity, I don’t believe these people believed themselves to be much different from each other biologically because they all resided within the same region under the same amount of Ultraviolet radiation

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