King Richard Evil Analysis

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The origin of Richard's evil is rooted in his premature birth. Due to his disabilities Richard has no self confidence and thus is “determined to prove a villain” because he “cannot prove a lover.” Shakespeare uses dramatic irony to exemplify Richards masterful use of language richard. Richards manipulative actions are thematic and frequent throughout the entire play. Shakespeare uses Richard as a universal lesson for society. And he believes humans that are corrupt and sin will be brought down by their own conscious. Richards manipulative actions eventually backfire when his conscious awakes him from his dreams thus proving Shakespeare's over arching philosophy. Richard begins the play by manipulating the audience to pity him due to his deformities. …show more content…

The suspense of feeling as if we are one of Richard's acquaintances keeps the audience glued to Richard's success rather than his wrongdoings. Along with his guilted soliloquy in the opening scene Richard adds in his masterful plan of becoming King of England. We get a true sense for his character throughout the play because he never mentions England or his compassion for England once throughout the play. It becomes obvious throughout the play that Richard’s desire to become king is fueled by only power. Richards manipulation of his own brother, George, The Duke of Clarence is his most corrupt action and is also the beginning of the end for Richard. In Richards first soliloquy he informs the audience that he has invented “drunken prophecies” to convince King Edward that ‘“G”’ Of Edward’s heirs the murderer shall be.” Richards intentions become evident when he places the kingmanship of England ahead of his own brothers life. Richard manipulates Clarence by weeping and hugging him therefore strengthening the idea of a brotherly bond. Richard acts as a universal brother would towards Clarence in a time of need thus convincing Clarence he truly loves him. As an audience we get a taste of dramatic irony for the first time. Richard states earlier that he is the …show more content…

Richard becomes sympathetic in an evil sense when he divulges his plans to marry Warwick’s youngest daughter, Lady Anne. Richard tells the audience that, “the readiest way to make the wench amends is to become her husband and her father.” The irony behind Richards promise is that he’ll have her, “but [he] will not keep her long.” Manipulating Lady Anne at a time when she's most vulnerable conveys that Richard is a devious character. Richard employs compliments in an attempt to exploit Lady Anne's emotional state. Lady Anne's insults don't phase Richard in the slightest, in fact they feed his ego and enable him to take advantage of her. Richard is too cunning to just compliment someone due to generosity. He justifies his past actions by professing his love for Lady Anne. Richard declares that her beauty was the motive for his previous actions. He proclaims to Anne that her beauty is so overwhelming that he would “undertake the death of all the world, so [he] might live one hour in [her] sweet bosom.” Richards use of complex wordplay fulfills his lack of confidence that is caused from his deformities. He confesses that he only killed her husband so she could get a better one. Richard tells Lady Anne that her eyes have infected his with love. Richard is quick to react in order to manipulate. Lady Anne's emotional state does not change until Richard shows sympathy for his wrongdoings and

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