Killing Is Wrong Persuasive Speech

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You know those stories we read about in the newspapers about men brutally abusing their partners? Unless this has ever happened to you or someone you know, you’ll feel a little sympathy before moving on and most likely forget about it later. However, this dreaded nightmare is a very real-life scenario. At least two women every week are killed by their partners. However, nowadays more stories are emerging of women striking back at their attackers and sometimes even killing them, which does come as a massive shock to many readers. We as a society have all been taught from a young age that murder is a wrong and sinful action and anyone who commits this dreadful crime should be punished and locked up for a long time. Killing is wrong. Or is it?

“Why didn't she leave?” This is one of the most commonly asked questions. Judges ask it, juries discuss it, and people watching the news at home think it. Walking out the door seems to be such a simple solution that we all think at home. Why couldn’t she have just left when he was out? Why couldn’t she just walk away? It all seems so straightforward.

However, whatever you might believe, it isn’t as easy as packing your bags and just walking out the door. An estimated 4,000 women a year have died at the hands of their abusers, 75% of them being killed due to them attempting to leave. Once you’ve …show more content…

However, it’s very likely that these women do love with their partners, though it may be hard for some of us to believe. Although they may have some violent outbursts, they could behave like a normal and loving person the rest of the time. The National Domestic Violence Hotline said that they get many women who ring up not knowing what to do as they are in love with their partners. Even if this man is hurting you, if you love them, you may be in denial to the fact that they are a bad

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