Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson Essay

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Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson who was born August 26, 1918 is an African-American mathematician who made contributions to the United States' aeronautics and space programs with the early application of digital electronic computers at NASA. Known for accuracy in computerized celestial navigation, she conducted technical work at NASA and its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics , spanning 35 years. During this time, she calculated the trajectories, launch windows, and emergency back-up return paths for many flights from Project Mercury, including the early NASA missions of Alan Shepard and John Glenn, and the 1969 Apollo 11 flight to the Moon, through the Space Shuttle program. Her calculations were critical to the success …show more content…

Johnson was offered a job in 1953. She accepted and became part of the early NASA team. “We needed to be assertive as women in those days – assertive and aggressive – and the degree to which we had to be that way depended on where you were. I had to be. In the early days of NASA women were not allowed to put their names on the reports – no woman in my division had had her name on a report. I was working with Ted Skopinski and he wanted to leave and go to Houston ... but Henry Pearson, our supervisor – he was not a fan of women – kept pushing him to finish the report we were working on. Finally, Ted told him, "Katherine should finish the report, she's done most of the work anyway." So Ted left Pearson with no choice; I finished the report and my name went on it, and that was the first time a woman in our division had her name on something.” Katherine said. Johnson has been portrayed in the media. In a 2016 episode of the NBC series Timeless, titled "Space Race", the mathematician is portrayed by Nadine

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