Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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The short story ‘’The Story of An Hour’’ written by Kate Chopin gave a different meaning of love and the perspective of marriage in the nineteenth century. When reading the title I thought the story was going to be about a mystery or something to do with time limit, or a clock. After reading the story the theme of the story was totally opposite from the point of view I was thinking about. I began to be more intrigued in the story when found out Louise felt like she did not love her husband. Brently did a lot for her due to her heart illness. I was lost to find out why Louise didn’t show much too any emotion when finding out her husband has passed away. Reading ‘’The Story of An Hour’’ there were moments when I had to reread the text. This made it challenging at times to understand what the author was meaning in the text. When reading the short story you have understood the theme of the story to analysis what the text mean. …show more content…

Marriage in the nineteenth century was different and women were more submissive, the women had to be dependent on the men and it was extremely difficult to obtain a divorce. With that being said is problem the reason why Louise didn’t leave Brently even though she was unhappy. In their relationship Brently was the dominant one, but he had also taken on some of his wife duties due to her having a heart problem. Which help to comprehend why Louise thought her husband was a bit controlling and smothering? When Louise found out that Brently was dying, she went into a room and looked through the window at a building, and kept shouting the word’’ free.’’ Which made me ask myself if the tears that she cried were for the loss of her husband or because she was happy to be finally free? That action made me look at Louise character differently. As I kept reading the story I failed to realize why she only thought she was going to cry again when she saw Brently in the

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