Karl Marx: Journey from Romanticism to Hegelianism

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Karl Marx is considered one of the most influential thinkers of the 19th century. Marx went to the University Of Berlin where he abandoned his ideas od romanticism for Hegelianism. Which is a philosophy based upon the ideas of G.W.F Hegel who believed that all reality is capable of being expressed in rational categories. Marx then became a member of the Hegelian movement before becoming a Journalist and editor for the prestigious newspaper, "Rheinische Zeitung". Marx articles revealed his ideas on economics this forced the Prussian government to close the paper. Marx then went to Paris in 1843 where he began to combine the ideologies of french socialism and German radical Hegelians. He then began his important works od the manuscripts detailing his humanist concept of …show more content…

He would also spark the friendship and collaboration with his lifelong colleague Friedrich Engels. He would go on to produce the important works such as The Poverty Of Philosophy, The German Ideology, and the Communist Manifesto. His ideas of communism have inspired and been adapted and adopted by many governmental systems. In America, we can thank Karl Marx for our inclusion of Governmental safety nets. I chose Karl Marx because I believe in the conflict theory of viewing society as the rich vs. the poor competing for resources. I also like his ideas on exposing the problem industrialization separating man from the finished product of his labors. I believe the separation of man from the fruits of his labors and the McDonaldization of modern jobs has lefta majority of society unfulfilled with their

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