Karl Marx's Comparison Of Human Nature And Modern Society

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My paper talks about the riveting account of human nature and modern society that Karl Marx gives us, in comparison Max Weber and Emile Durkheim. Meanwhile, Durkheim believes that organic solidarity and division of labour are modernity’s main features. Weber looks at rationalization and disenchantment, and Marx offers an account aimed centered on class struggle and social instability. We often think about whether the problems we face every day are a result of our own intrinsic nature, or rather the environment we currently live in today. The founding fathers in a way, were asking the question. Karl Marx focused his attention to how capitalism alienated humanity by making work a mere means individual existence, while Max Weber centered his focus at how excessive rationalism suppressed freedom, and intuition. Emile Durkheim managed this phenomenon to temporary pathologies. Their evaluations of modernity are connected to their beliefs of human nature. Emile Durkheim’s view of modern society is thought of as a high division of labour in which ‘ organic solidarity’ predominates. The roles and institutions act like the organs in our body, and are dependent on each other. When it comes to the state, for example, it regulates like the brain, achieving restitory justice and solidarity over the body. This ensures that social inequality is based primarily on merit. In the state of moral and dynamic density, individualism and rationality are able to rise above “collective consciousness” and religion. However, for Durkheim despite great cohesion, there are many pathological phenomena, such as anomie and some economic conflicts too. However, these are only temporary. Emile Durkheim sees social and economic cohesion as a critical part o... ... middle of paper ... ...while Durkheim individuals emerge as real individuals out of the economy, and for Marx we are all exploited by the notion of individuality. Thus, with Marx and Durkheim, human being is dependent and social on others. Weber thinks individuals can subsist apart from others and only engage in social relations for particular reasons. According to classical theorist, (2) “modern people experience three de-humanizing realities: anomie, alienation, and disenchantment. According to Durkheim, modern society conforms to human nature, but anomie remains a persistent problem or pathology. In Marx’s estimation, humanity is both alienated and on the brink of self-realization due to modern capitalism. Finally, in Weber’s, we are now completely disenchanted due to modern rationalization. Unlike Durkheim and Weber, Marx is capable of convincing prognosis of the “ modern condition.”

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