Karen Carpenter's Anorexia Problems

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The story of Karen Carpenter and her Anorexia Problems Anorexia is a mental illness that affects all age groups and all ethnic groups. Anorexia does not only have physical symptoms, but mental symptoms also. There are environmental and natural causes. Anorexia affects people in different ways. There are various treatments for this disease (NEDA). Karen Carpenter was one woman who was affected by anorexia (“Karen Carpenter”). Anorexia is a serious mental illness, but some people do not take it seriously. On average it is estimated that one percent of females in their teens and early twenties will develop anorexia (“Anorexia Facts”). Women suffering from anorexia are usually between the ages of fifteen to nineteen. The word anorexia means …show more content…

The reason why the women percentage is higher is because the world tends to have really high expectations for females(27). Some people have an unhealthy desire to be “perfect” in the public eye (20). If someone has been through some type of trauma, for example: bullying, that can also cause anorexia. Now if someone has a disorder where their body just naturally cannot gain weight and keeps losing it, that is not anorexia. Anorexia is mostly seen in females that when male anorexics go to the doctor for help, the males are misdiagnosed (“Anorexia Facts”). In severe cases of anorexia, hospitalization could be required (“Anorexia Facts”). When a girl does not eat, her body will run on adrenaline, same thing with a boy. Adrenaline is a chemical in the body. Adrenaline is not healthy if it is being pumped twenty-four-seven. If a young person has anorexia, they will most likely to have a slowed growth and have a short stature. Anorexics have a more slow and sometimes abnormal heart rate, low body temperature, electrolyte imbalances, and low blood pressure. Although anorexia is found in every race, caucasians and Hispanic females are most likely to have anorexia as opposed to black or Asian (“Anorexia …show more content…

During her life when she was anorexic, she was very self conscious. She wanted to look “perfect” yet after the man commented on her, many people already thought she was perfect. Karen Carpenter was very family friendly. Here is a quote about Mickey Mouse: “The image we have would be impossible for Mickey Mouse to maintain. We're just... normal people.”. “We spent an awful lot of time trying to achieve perfection as close as we can come. It's the foremost thing in both of our minds, at all times” (“Karen Carpenter”). Karen is one person of many who try to achieve the “perfect” look. In reality, beauty is in the eye of the

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