Juvenile Corrections Officer Essay

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Juvenile corrections officers oversee incarcerated minors. These are youth who were not adult age at the time that they committed their crime. Their Juvenile corrections officers are no different compared to the adult corrections officers. However, juvenile corrections officers have a special duty, These Co’s act as life coaches by guiding the juveniles emotionally, mentally, and psychologically throughout the confinement and rehabilitation period. The goal that every juvenile officer tries to achieve, is for the offenders to have learned a new pattern of behavior by the time they are released from being incarcerated. A second goal is to have them gain enough confidence and self-worth so when they are released back into society they will not return to their old criminal habits At a state level, some of the requirements to become a juvenile Corrections officer you must Be a citizen of the United States. Must hold a high school diploma or equivalent certificate of completion. You cannot have any felony convictions and must pass a background check. You have been at least 21 years old. A finally you must be able to demonstrate mobility and the ability to complete the physical aspects of the job. There are a lot of duties that a juvenile officer must perform when they are working. Officers I wanted to be the reason that kids smiled and be the person that kids looked up to. So, I became a preschool teacher. I quickly learned that it was not the field for me to be in. So, I searched for a new career field. I knew I wanted to work with kids. I thought about a social worker and then I realized I would lose my job quicker than I got it. So, I considered being a juvenile corrections officer. When I looked at all the different things I could do with in that field I instantly fell in love with it. People ask me all the time of why would I rather work with the kids behind bars rather than work with the kids outside who are good

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