Just Listen

603 Words2 Pages

“Don’t think, or judge, just listen”. This is such an amazing book and the lessons it teaches are priceless. This book is about a girl named Annabel who on the outside appears to have it all. She has little girls with posters of her on their walls, striving to be like this perfect girl they seen on the commercials. However, this is as far from reality as you can get. Annabel appears to be the girl who has it all, but in reality she has nothing. Annabel lost all of her friends because of what happened at a party one night that was completely out of her control, she was stuck with a modeling career that she did not want because she did not have the nerve to tell her mother she wanted to quit, and on top of all this, Annabel’s middle sister was diagnosed with anorexia. All of this was going on in her life, but she did not feel safe telling anyone about it because she was scared they would judge her; so she put on a brave face, and told everyone she was. No one could tell the difference. The symbolism in this book is impeccable and lessons this book teaches are truthful and make yo...

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