Jury Tampering In The Runaway Jury

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Runaway Jury was a motion picture that was released in 2003 and directed by Gary Felder. In this movie, a father and husband was shot in his workplace in New Orleans. His wife sued the gun manufacturer for allowing the murderer of her husband to obtain the gun. A jury was selected for this trial and one of the men selected was named Nicholas Easter. Nicholas and his girlfriend Marlee strategically manipulated the outcome of the trial using the jury members. This movie focused on jury tampering, voir dire, cooperate negligence, and jury summons which all pertain to trial law.

Jury tampering is the crime of attempting to influence a jury through other means than the evidence presented in curt. Jury tampering is committed in order to influence the vote, decision or opinion of a juror so that it can affect the outcome of the trial. Jury tampering was present in the film. The jury unexpectedly recited the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the trial. Also, one of the male jurors who had HIV was given a letter regarding the status of his HIV. Another juror was confronted in his own grocery store and was informed about a “special opportunity” for him which was not true. One of the jurors was even pressured by …show more content…

After this happens, both sides of the trial select which jurors they want to represent their side with the hopes that their picks will help win the case. Voir dire occurred towards the beginning of the movie. About fifty jurors were selected to appear at the questioning but only twelve were selected to participate in the trial. The prosecuting side wanted jurors who were against gun violence, had families, and had lost a family member. The defense wanted jurors who believed in the second amendment and were all for guns. Before the questioning of the potential jurors, both sides did research on them all in order to see if they fit the criteria of what they were looking

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