June Woo In Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

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Many people go through life unsure of their background. This is the case of June Woo in Amy Tan’s novel, Joy Luck Club. At the beginning of her life, June Woo fought her Chinese culture and heritage; however, as an adult, she went on a journey to find it. In Amy Tan’s novel, Joy Luck Club, a major theme is “Self-Awareness” because June Woo finds her culture throughout the book. In the beginning of her life, June Woo finds her mother pushing the Chinese heritage and culture on her. Throughout the book, Amy Tan portrays a traditional Chinese value to be obedience. June finds her mother forcing this background on her. Recalling an experience from her past, June says, “She yanked me by the arm, pulled me off the floor, snapped off the TV. She was frighteningly strong, half pulling, half carrying me toward the piano” (Tan 141). …show more content…

June even finds herself dismissing the Chinese culture. After trying to make June follow her background, she tells her mother that she will, “Never be the kind of daughter you want me to be” (142). June is confused at this young age because she has both American and Chinese culture in her life. Later in her life, after her mother’s death, June begins to accept her Chinese culture. While she was cleaning her parent’s old apartment, she found old Chinese silk dresses. She, “rubbed the old silk against my skin, then wrapped them in tissue and decided to take them home with me” (143). This action is symbolic of her beginning to accept her Chinese culture. Towards the end of the novel, June goes on a trip to visit her mother’s twin daughters to tell them about her. As June enters China, she feels a blood rush as

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