Julius Caesar Brutus Sympathy Essay

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Sympathy: the recurrent emotion humans have had towards each other throughout history. Conversely, with that compassion comes inevitable apathy and then ultimate downfall. That is to say, one sees the misfortune a person has and feels concerned. However, the unfortunate soul’s actions begin to influence the compassionate friends’ view on the situation. This is the case of Marcus Junius Brutus, or simply Brutus, in the Shakespearean play, Julius Caesar. Throughout the play, Brutus makes excuses on behalf of his actions from killing Julius Caesar. Throughout the play, Brutus convinces others, the readers, and himself his actions were just; though, as time progresses, they begin to see the fault of Brutus. By examining where and why one feels compassion for Brutus, and in contrast, …show more content…

In these passages, Antony speaks at Caesar’s funeral and professes he is not there to applaud Caesar’s life. However, Antony is clever; he preaches to the crowd the good that Caesar did, and the sympathy Caesar had for his people. Further, he admits that Brutus is a righteous and just man. And if Brutus says Caesar was ambitious, he is telling the truth. Antony then cries over Caesar’s coffin and claims his heart is in there with him. Then the plebeians begin to understand Antony’s speech and join him. This is where the sympathy for Brutus is broken. Antony moves the hearts of others that Caesar loved Rome and wanted only the best for Rome. Now, the townspeople have opened their eyes and see the good Caesar had and have joined Antony’s side to avenge Caesar. However, Brutus still does not know if his wrong and continues to fight for his cause. Lastly, the readers have seen Antony’s side and one can theorize that some have now joined Antony based on his speech and reverse

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