Juliet's Relationship With Her Parents in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's relationship with her parents, Lord and Lady Capulet, is complex. At the beginning of the play, Lord Capulet has a positive and loving attitude towards Juliet, as shown in Act 1 scene 2 when he agrees to County Paris's proposal to marry Juliet but emphasizes that Juliet's decision is equally important. However, Lady Capulet remains distant and careless towards Juliet. Later on, both parents become bad-mannered and threatening towards Juliet, pressuring her to marry County Paris. Lady Capulet even insults Juliet, wishing her to marry her 'grave'. The main reason for Lord Capulet's insistence on the marriage is his own selfish desire for popularity and recognition. Overall, the relationship between Juliet and her parents is strained and unlikely to improve unless Juliet marries County Paris. Lord Capulet's selfishness and disregard for others' feelings are also evident.

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