Judy's Story by Judy Culter

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“Judy’s Story” is a beautiful tribute and the honor of a loving daughter caring for her ailing mother. It analyzes the struggle a child goes through caring for an ailing parent and the phases involved in caregiving. Although the stages are valid, the true caregiver burden is reflected in the emotions they emit and the means to deal with them. Having lived through the same struggle myself this past year I am qualified to comment on the stages as well as verify the process from my own perspective. Through this document we will compare and contrast the two experiences as well as look at how these stages can apply to a multitude of life experiences not only those relating to caregiving and grief described in “Judy’s Story.” As described by the author Judy Culter, caregiving is a set of stages we need to pass through in order to come to terms with the state of affairs we find ourselves in and in the end, helping us cope with death of a loved one. Caregiver burden is defined as “problems and stress due to caregiving” and home care is defined as “a range of social and medical services, designed to help people live independently in the community.” Judy’s “Seven Stages of Caregiving” is similar to the grief model of Dr. Kubler-Ross, who studied Thanatology (the study of death) and wrote the book On Death and Dying, published in 1969. Her model outlines the stage’s a caregiver, the dying and the bereaved go through when dealing with personal trauma or change. This model was introduced in therapy sessions I attended to help cope with my situation and is also prominent when instilling change management in work related issues. From her biographical details, I am assuming she also is a Baby Boomer and a mother like me. Although her story ... ... middle of paper ... ...ing personal change or trauma, including relationship break ups, financial distress, personal injury or work change management. . Works Cited Aronson, Jane. "WOMEN'S SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CARE OF OLD PEOPLE:." Gender and Society March 1992: 8-29. Campbell, Mark Novak and Lori. Aging and Society, A Canadian Perspective. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd, 2009. Culter, Judy. "Judy's Story." Course Kit. n.d. Cutler,Judy. "The Seven Stages of Caregiving." Course Kit. n.d. Delmling, S. Walter Poulshock Gary T. "Families in Caring for Elders in Residence: Issues in the Measurement of Burden." Journal of Gerentology 1984: 230-239. 22 10 2013. . Kubler-Ross. http://www.debbest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Kubler-Ross.jpg. n.d. 20th October 2013. Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth. On Death and Dying. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969.

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