Judith Butler Precarity

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While there are not as many connections to that of The Phenomenology of Dance, Judith Butler’s work, Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly, provides some connections to Life of a Leaf. In her book, Butler states that precarity “designates that politically induced condition in which certain populations suffer from failing social and economic networks of support more than others, and become differentially exposed to injury, violence, and death.”(33) In short, precarity if the vulnerability of an individual in a society. While the play was based on the life of a leaf, precarity can still play a role. In Life of a Leaf, in the phase with the bright yellows, oranges, and reds following the green phase, some leaves remained green. While this might not have be an obvious sign of precarity, the leaves that stayed green were not as vulnerable as those that had already changed colors. …show more content…

The green leaves could have been considered privileged in comparison to the other vulnerable leaves potentially because they were in a more ideal location, connected to a stronger branch, or protected from weather. All of these factors could contribute to longer lifespans. Butler also states that precarity affects a person’s quality of life. She says “whether or not I live a life that has value is not something that I can decide on my own, since it turns out that this life is and is not my own.” Although some of the leaves died sooner because of precarity, it does not mean their lives were any worse than those that stayed green longer. The length of a life does not correlate to the impact or color it brings to society. Eventually, all the leaves will turn brown and fall to the

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