Judge People Research Paper

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Why do we judge people when we first see them? That person is wearing head wraps so they are going to bomb us. This person is black so they must be in a gang. Someone is skinny so they must anorexic and not eat. Every single person is more than what meets the eye. The person wearing the head wraps have burns on their head that they are afraid to show. The black person helps the needy, and cleans up the environment. The person who is skinny gives their food to their children because they barely have enough to go around. We never know a person’s story by a first glance so why are we so quick to judge people? Society has turned into a person’s worst nightmare. People are getting bullied based on what they look like. Today people don’t take time to actually put themselves in others shoes and see what hey through on a daily basis. We need to fix this issue. Stop looking at people differently based on how they look. People say that a picture speaks a thousand words but people aren’t pictures. They are other living human beings and need to be treated accordingly. If we started to take the time and really think about what we say before we say it, then that already helps people getting judged incorrectly. Everyone should be given an equal chance to be …show more content…

Some people have parents who were raised to hate a certain type of people. This results in them raising their children to hate that type of people. If we could somehow change those types of parents views or even the childs before they get older that would enable everyone to have their own opinion of people and not hate them just because their ancestors or parents did. The more we try the more we’re going to get out of life. However, not everyone is trying to change how awful society is right now. The longer we wait to fix anything the harder it’s going to be if we try a few years from now. If we get it while it’s not the worse we can avoid disasters in the

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