Judas Iscariot's Departure Analysis

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I was browsing through YouTube and I had just finished watching one video when I spotted your video “We don’t use toilet paper”. To my delight, I found the video to be interesting and informative. So, I proceeded to watch some of your other videos. When I was ready to move on to another YouTube channel, I felt a tug on my heart. I sensed God wanted me to share his good news with you. This was an uncommon request from Him (mainly for YouTube). But the feeling persisted, so I acquiesced. For the sake of brevity, I will do my best to be concise. Jesus Christ, the son of God, came from heaven, to this earth as a man in physical form, through the Virgin Mary. His purpose for doing so, was to die for humanity as form of payment and punishment for our …show more content…

He began his ministry at the age of 30 years old, healing the sick, blind, deaf, and lame, cleansing the lepers and raising the dead (Matt 11:5) . At the age of 33, at Judas Iscariot’s betrayal, he was unjustly arrested by the Sanhedrin, and sentenced to death on the cross (a horrible way to die). He was scourged with a Roman whip (Roman whips were made with shards of bone and metal, to shred the flesh) and in his weakened and terribly injured state made to carry his crossbar, (which roughly weighed anywhere from 75- 125lbs) to the place where he would be hung. Once there, the Roman soldiers thrusted nails into his wrists, nailing them to the crossbeam and his feet to the post. In writhing pain, he hung there for you and me. He died of excruciating pain, dehydration, blood loss from the scourging, and asphyxiation. Upon his death, he was taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb that was sealed

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