Joyas Voladores By Brian Doyle Analysis

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Joyas Voladores

In the essay, “Joyas Voladores” by Brian Doyle, the author comments about the way we live and how we love through the use of metaphors. The author uses comparisons about the way we live through the hummingbird’s fast paced heartbeat and the tortoises slow paced heartbeat. The blue whale on the other hand has a big heart to show how we love compared to mammals, stressing that human life is precious. Doyle is inspired to write on the topic of love and the human heart because his son was born with three out of the four chambers of the heart. There is so much that is held in a heart, which makes them very precious. A fragile heart makes a human life precious. Doyle states several ways that the heart is fragile using a hummingbird to relate to a human. Hummingbird’s have many talents that Doyle states,” They dive at sixty miles an hour...or fly more than five hundred miles without
Throughout the essay Doyle touches on the aspects of the hearts of the hummingbird and the heart of the blue whale. At the end he takes a different turn with it by talking about the human heart and the emotions it brings. Within the opening paragraph he speaks in detail about the heart of a hummingbird explaining that the title means flying jewels and emphasizes the factual and emotional courses of nature. I believe that this essay can be considered a personal essay also because there are many key points that we as the readers can make various connections to human behaviors as well as a personal connection to the emotional aspects too. He entices the readers to think more into his logics. He changes from starting to talk about the hummingbird to the tortoise to the blue whale and then ending it with talking about a human. Doyle’s intended audience is geared through attracting both the logical and hopeless romantics who seek

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