Joy Riding Case Study

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Slide 1 is displayed. Greetings ma'am and class today ill be giving you a presentation on various self-destructive and risk behaviour related deaths amongst South African teenagers, I will be taking a look at train surfing, joy riding and alcohol and drugs abuse amongst teenagers and showing you the causes, impacts and possible solutions for these issues. Moving on to slide 2, I will be discussing the topic of train surfing. Now the name train surfing originates from the action of illegally riding on the surface of a train. This process occurs by thrill seeking teenagers climbing aboard the top of a slow moving train and position themselves on top of it like a surfer on a board and teenagers usually compete amongst themselves to see who can Joy riding amongst teenagers happens when a teenager takes without the owners permission and drive it around and usually very high speeds. The main cause for teenagers going joy riding is to disobey their parents and peer pressure from friends. The impact of this is that the joy rider may end up in an accident which can damage bot them and the car used which will cost money and causes strain on the joy riders relationship with the person. Possible solutions to this would be for parents to involve themselves with issues a teenager is going through and provide help and raise awareness about the dangers of joy The main cause that all three risk behaviours that I have shown you have in common is peer pressure. Due to a teenager feeling the need to fit in and be accepted they are very susceptible to peer pressure and might put themselves at risk to attain it. More awareness should be made for the various risk behaviours and parents should not make their teenager feel isolated and hopefully by doing this less teenagers put themselves at risk. Thank

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