Journey From The Fall Film Techniques

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The Journey from the Fall is a movie directed by Ham Tran, which follows the life story of a family who was tragically affected by the Vietnam War aftermath. Long Nguyen urge his family, including his wife, son and mother to escape by the boat to go to America. As a South Vietnamese soldier, he decided to stay in Vietnam even though he will be imprisoned in the re-education camp. Peter Feng explains in his book Screening Asian Americans that history is not only constructed through documentary images, but also popular culture such as movie. He further explains that movies are screen memories that both substitute for the personal memories of the survivors and replacing the documentary images in signifying the history (Feng 179). In the film Journey from the fall, the director’s intention is to recreate the events from the past in order to give viewers a greater awareness about the underreported history of the Vietnam War aftermath. This movie is very essential, especially to Vietnamese Asian Americans. It is a story that needed to be told so that people will not forget the struggles and sacrifices of many first Asian Americans here in the United States. This film also created to remind Asian Americans to value the history of the country where …show more content…

The movie scenes would swing back and forth in time between the stories of Long Nguyen in re-education camp and his family’s boat journey to America. This technique causes a bit confusion to the viewers. However, this allows the viewers to have more insights on the experience of those people who were imprisoned in the re-education camp. It also provides the director an opportunity to illustrates the dangerous journey of those people who tried to escape using the boat. Using flashbacks technique help the film to reveal important information about what really happened in the

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