Journal Entries Of The Great Gatsby '

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Great Gatsby Journal Entry Chapter 1 - 3 Pg 1 - Pg 59 The first chapter showcases the protagonist, Nick Carraway’s background and his arrival to home at the West Egg. Upon settling down he decides to go to the East Egg, the conservative and richer side of town. He goes to meet his cousin Daisy, her friend Jordan Baker and her husband Tom Buchanan at their home. Upon returning home he witnesses an enigmatic man out on a dock, grasping for a green light across the bay Underneath the giant eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, Nick and Tom ride a train together through the Ash Valley. Randomly, Tom forces Nick to exit the train where he introduces Myrtle Wilson to him at a local garage. Myrtle Wilson is the wife to George Wilson and secretly Tom’s mistress. Tom, Myrtle and Nick go to Morningside Heights where they host an impromptu party with Myrtle’s sister Catherine and the McKee couple. Despite being appalled by the behaviours of the party goers, he finds himself intrigued. He abruptly returns home after Tom breaks Myrtle’s nose. A few days later, he receives an …show more content…

Nick describes initial impression of Gatsby's home when he says, "I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited - they went there" (Fitzgerald 41). His passage captures the essence of how chaotic his party was, people simply just came and go. As well as the specific part of him being only one of the few guest that was actually "invited". This implies that Nick was a person of interest to Gatsby, most likely due to his connection with Daisy. Ultimately, the party at Gatsby was quite certainly eventful. The main players in the game were introduced to one another in Gatsby and Nick. In addition, Nick strengthened his bond with Jordan Baker and overall was the highlight of the third chapter and the atmosphere of the party was

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