Jordan Davis Case Analysis

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Taking a life is a very serious crime and it is seen as one of the worst violent crimes one can commit. Society has a hard time coping with why people result to such cruel violence when usually it isn’t necessary. Taking a life typically results in your own life being taken by the criminal justice system. Many offenders, however, do escape without punishment. First-degree murder is usually defined as a killing that was deliberate and premeditated which is what Michael Dunn is being charged with for shooting a 17 year old Jordan Davis (First Degree Murder Law & Legal Definition). Within my paper, I will summarize the article of the shooting of Jordan Davis, explain the relevance of the article to my Criminal Justice class, and discuss the implications for the criminal justice system. Summarizing Susan Cooper Eastman’s article, Michael Dunn, a 47 white male shot 17 year old Jordan Davis, a black teen, over a dispute over Davis’ loud music. Jordan Davis was with three other teenagers when they parked in a Jacksonville parking lot next to Dunn. Dunn claims he shot Davis because he panicked when the dispute escalated and he saw what looked like a barrel of a gun through the back window as Davis began to get out of his car. Police say that the teen’s car was unarmed. Assistant State Attorney Erin Wolfson believes that Dunn overreacted because of the way that Davis was speaking to him and not listening to his orders to turn his rap music down. Wolfson quoted a witness who heard Dunn state “You are not going to talk to me that way” as the dispute began to get heated. Defense attorneys believe that Dunn acted in self-defense and that it is reasonable that he used deadly force. Medical evidence shows that Davis died inside his vehicl... ... middle of paper ... ... innocent or guilty will affect him tremendously. As of now, the system has done a good job because they haven’t taken sides with Dunn by stereotyping Davis and believing that he had a weapon on him and planning to attack Dunn. The criminal justice system must carefully decide their verdict so that a guilty man doesn’t go free or an innocent man is found guilty and punished. Whether Dunn spends the rest of his life in prison or in society, he will have to live with the fact that he took a teen’s life. Cases regarding self-defense and stand your ground laws can be tricky when deciding the verdict because the criminal justice system is required to stay just and fair. Throughout my essay, I have summarized the article on the shooting of Jordan Davis, the relevance it has to my criminal justice class, and discussed the implications for the criminal justice system.

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