Johnny Got His Gun Summary

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Johnny Got His Gun starts with, Joe Bonham wakes up to the sound of a telephone ringing. He thinks that his father his father died, but it's just a dream. He also thinks, after awakening that he is in a military hospital. He can’t really tell but he is assuming by his numerous bandages. Then he realizes he is deaf, which causes him to begin freaking out, and him to slip in and out of consciousness. He begins to have a lot of dreams, many of which involve his Colorado childhood, and then his move to California. Joe then feels people touching on him, which he assumes is them working on him, which causes him to realizes his arms have been amputated. Afterwards, he becomes unconscious and remembers the time when Howey and his ex cheated on him …show more content…

Joe has another freak out and tries to scream, then again realizing he's missing another body part, his mouth. This makes Joe wonder about what is left on his face. Concentrating, he figures doesn’t have eyes, a jaw, or a nose, as he’s also breathing through a tracheotomy tube in his throat, and also has a whole that he can feel from his throat to his forehead. Joe then decides that he should at least keep track of the time, so he figures out that he can use the amount that the nurses come in and change the sheets to tell when sunrise is. He measures 3 years using this strategy, telling his nurses apart. One day, Joe can sense that people have come into his room. They pin a medal on his shirt, as he can feel it he gets enraged and tries to take off his mask so they can see his face. Joe finally gets the idea from vibrations to try and use morse code to communicate, so he attempts to tap SOS with his head. The doctors get annoyed with this tapping to they give him morphine and Joe begins to have hallucinations. Later in the year, a new nurse comes in and traces “Merry Christmas” on his chest. The nurse tries very hard to figure Joe’s communication out, and she gets

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