Johnny Cade Character Analysis

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"If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you'll have Johnny Cade"~ Ponyboy Curtis. Johnny Cade is a small 16 year old boy residing in the streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He belongs to a loyal group of best friends, the greasers. They are publicly recognized as hoodlums because of their notorious gang fights and prison records. Johnny doesn't like to live as a criminal, or gangster, however the greasers are the only family he has, they are his only hope. He has lived a tough life, living in a home with alcoholic parents who beat him and don't care for him. This lifestyle affects him seriously, leading him to think his life isn't worth it, however Johnny's choices will soon dramatically impact his life. Johnny will convert from a life of crime to a hero, influencing his thoughts to want to live and see the …show more content…

They were enjoying a pleasant discussion until the Socs surrounded them, barricading every potential escape route. They started towards Ponyboy and submerged his head under the fountain, suffocating him. Johnny was frightened and jabbed the Soc in the abdomen, killing him. The boys were both aghast by what had just occurred and proceeded to ask Dally for help. Dally aided them with an escape route, some cash, and a jacket, hoping that it was enough. The boys journeyed to the small town of Winndrixvill as fugitives. There, they resided at an abandoned church for 5 days. On the sixth day, the boys went to the supermarket to buy some necessities, however when they returned a problem awaited. The church had been set on fire and there were children trapped inside. Ponyboy and Johnny dashed inside, and began to rescue the children one by one, until they were all out of the building. However, one boy remained, Johnny. Before he could even blink, the roof collapsed and he was trapped under the

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