John Neumeier's Artistic Expression

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Mr. John Neumeier is truly inspiring as he has mastered the key to all forms of artistic expression. While explaining the importance of capturing emotions in dramatic ballet, Neumeier’s stated that “there’s no point in a story that is told artfully but that doesn’t reach the heart”. This concept that Neumeier qualifies is the key to all forms of artistic expression as the goal of artistic expression is to evoke an empathic response in the target audience. Neumeier is truly inspiring as he has advanced this ability for expression and evoking this response by revolutionizing ballet by combining two genres of ballet into his masterpieces. Neumeier has mastered the ability to give his ballets life by utilizing them to convey emotions and thoughts. These works thus …show more content…

Literature has existed since the establishment of written language as an attempt to comprehend one’s reality and surroundings, rendering it an intrinsic part of the human experience. As literature developed as an art form, writers would reference and draw from previous works and authors as a means of integrating the rich history of this medium into their works. The beauty of Neumeier's ballets is that he has taken part in this phenomenon of drawing from and paying homage to previous works whilst using the medium of ballet as a vehicle for expression. Neumeier recognizes the beauty in being able to convey and evoke emotions without the use of words and language; it is this recognition that drives my passion for creating visual works of art such as silent films and sculpted ceramics pieces. With this recognition, Neumeier is pushing the boundary by using written language present in literature and translating it into the universal language that takes place in artistic expression, thus revolutionizing his field and entering new

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