John Mccarthy Quotes

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Abigail is a liar that starts by telling one little lie, but then to cover it up she starts to lie more and more. She does whatever she has to stay out of trouble, she lies about Tituba because she is scared she will be persecuted. She wouldn’t have to worry about anything if she would of never went in the woods and done witchcraft with other girls. She says “She comes to me every night to go and drink blood!” Tituba doesn't really do this but Abigail has to lie to cover up for another lie so she doesn't get caught not telling the truth. John McCarthy is almost identical to Abigail he is a liar just like she is. Whatever he can do to stay out of trouble he will, so he lies. John McCarthy started the “Red Scare” this was where he spent …show more content…

They both want other people to be the blame of there problems and there wrong doings. So in order to do this they lie about other people and make them look bad when really they are the bad person. Here is a quote from Abigail that shows her lying about someone else, “Sometimes I wake and find myself standing in the open doorway and not a stitch on my body! I always hear her laughing in my sleep. I hear her singing her Barbados songs and tempting me.” Now here is a quote from Joh McCarthy that describes how he is a liar and how he and Abigail are similar people, “My opinion is that he's a swindler and you're a sucker.” You can see that they both are lying about other people to make themselves feel better and also to not look like the bad person. The actions of the two characters are somewhat different because Joseph McCarthy doesn't participate in witchcraft events, but they are both still liars. I don’t believe there is a quote that could describe the two because they are different people that believe different things and they have there different …show more content…

One of the main actions that are different between the two is that Abigail deals with witchcraft and Joseph McCarthy is just a normal person but he lies about the beliefs and the way other people live. Also the everyday living of the two people were probably very different considering Abigail lived in the 1600’s and Joseph lived in the 1900’s; so their everyday living would of been very different. “She comes to me every night to go and drink blood!” This quote from Abigail Williams that she is not your typical person and that she lies a lot about other people; the quote is much different than this quote by Joseph McCarthy, “The State Department is infested with communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State

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