John Gatto Against School Summary

618 Words2 Pages

Oleksandra P Edwards
Joseph J Selvaggio
English 101
MW 2.00 – 4.30

Education - is a process of identity formation. School education is the way society can convey necessary skills and knowledges from one generation to another. However what happens, when school education conflicts with the true interest of student? It might seem from first sight that homeschooling is the best option, considering the current state of technology and globalization economy, but its arguable if it can truly substitute school.
John Taylor Gatto in his essay “Against school” giving a lot of arguments against the public education system. He states that’s it’s :
“designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life. To deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens – all in order to render the populace “manageable”(145).
Gatto believes its main purpose to raise mindless labor force, give them social roles with specific merits, create a “corporate society”
In my opinion its is not accurate. In addition Gatto’s arguments lack actual connection with real life. Gatto argues a lot, but doesn’t give actual solutions for raising …show more content…

This statements assume that parents should guide there children in the world of learning, urge them read serious books and complicated material. Well, not all parents are the same, not all of them are well educated and brought intellectuals or simply not all of them have time for this. It is highly questionable, if they can give them more, then person with a degree with a lot of knowledge about there subject. This leads us to the fact that not all homeschooling methods are equal. Young kids are like sponges, they absorb a lot of information they are given, cause they don’t know how to cricticcly think, cause of there age. Raising kids is a great responcebility, that not everybody can

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