Jocks Stereotypes

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We’ve all met athletes, the bigger faster stronger physical specimens that make us all feel envy. However, we've all also met those athletes who, for whatever reason, feel they are better and above certain aspects of life like grades, manners, and even rules. These athletes are commonly referred to as jocks, but jocks and athletes are not even remotely synonymous with each other. According to Urban dictionary a jock is “Almost always football or basketball players, and sometimes soccer or hockey players, jocks are stereotyped as those athletes who are unintelligent, arrogant, and unkind, but who are nevertheless popular within their own clique and are of a high social status in school, attracting many girls and envied by dissimilar stereotypes.” …show more content…

I met Allen at the same school that I met Mitch but one year later in September of 2005 in the beginning of my 1st grade year. Allen was the fastest kid in our class and by far the most physically gifted. Allen was one of the better friends I had throughout 1st 2nd and 3rd grade. But, when the summer before 3rd grade hit, everything changed. That was the year that we both decided to play football for the first time. As we started off I was a decent player on our team, I was in no way near the best player but I could hold my own in the game. But, Allen was light years better than I was and our team knew it. He was the popular one on our team who the coaches and other players and he knew it. Allen loved the spotlight and the attention and started doing whatever he had to to stay in the middle of everything. This was the fuel for what lead me to falsely assume that athletes were “jocks” who by the previously defined definition were self centered and only cared about …show more content…

Towards the end of the parade he came up to our teacher and asked if he could play one of the spare percussion instruments we had, and of course our teacher said yes. After the parade I stayed behind to help clean up our float and I ran into him and we started talking. We talked about music and Zack said he always had played music a lot and was looking for more people to play with. So, I told him how me and my friends usually jammed together on Friday nights and if he wanted to come he was welcome and to my complete surprise he showed up that fry and played with us all night. He continued to do that all summer long, and when school started I had lunch in 7th period and I didn't know anybody in the lunch room so I sat by myself. Then out of nowhere, Zack came over and invited me over to sit with him and his friends who were also on the wrestling team. I was timid at first but I eventually got into conversations with all of them that had nothing to do with sports or booze. We talked about all of our college goals and I began to realize how much I had misjudged these athletes. Sure some of them were terrible self centered idiots, but most of them were just like me with some sprinkled in athletic ability. They had goals, likes fears, hobbies, and friends, but most importantly, they all had respect for each individual. Zack helped me realize that I had a biased view against athletes. I had my view based on two very select people who I had

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