Jim Bowie Research Paper

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During the Antebellum Period, the Texas war for independence was a rebellion from the Mexican-American colonists who settled in Texas. Texas declared its independence from the republic of mexico in 1836 after Sam Houston and the Tejanos, plus the help from America defeated president Lopez De santa Anna in the Battle of San Jacinto. This came after the Mexican Army killed colonel James Fannin in the Goliad Massacre, and defeated Texas in the Battle of the Alamo killing American hero Jim Bowie. Texas’ Independence was a very important part to America's legacy because it allowed Texas to become to the 28th state of America. Three American heroes who led Texas to earn their independence were Jim Bowie, William Travis, and Sam Houston. Jim Bowie was an American frontiersman, slave trader, and Indian fighter. He was well known for his famous …show more content…

He was an American teacher, lawyer and soldier. He moved to Texas when Mexico opened it up to the Americans to settle in. Travis wasn’t around in the Battle of Gonzales, or the siege of San Antonio. Tailing alongside Jim Bowie, who he was not very fond of, William Travis was able to gather 40 rebels to defend the Alamo paying them from his own pocket. According to popular lore, sometime on March 4, Travis held a meeting for his defenders. “He drew a line in the sand with his sword and challenged those who would stay and fight to cross it. This story is uncertain as there is little historical evidence to support it. Still, Travis and everyone else knew the odds and chose to remain.”(Minster 2017) On March 6 the Mexicans attacked at dawn. Travis, defending the northern quadrant, was one of the first to be killed, shot by an enemy rifleman. The Alamo was overtaken in about two hours, all of its defenders captured or killed. William Travis was one of the Texas heroes who died in the Alamo(1836) and had a huge contribution in the independence of

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