Jhumpa Lahiri And Mrs Sens Relationship

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In the novel An Interpreter of Maladies written by Jhumpa Lahiri, Lahiri creates a multitude of unique and complex characters with characteristics and traits that the vast majority of people can relate to. In my case, I am able to relate with Eliot from the short story “Mrs. Sen’s”. Eliot is a young child with a mother who spends most of her time working in order to provide for her family, This is very reminiscent of my early childhood my parents met in the Navy, and when my mother was able to move on and start raising a family, my father was still forced to continue serving in the Navy. This forced me to become closer to my mother than my father, since I had been around her more frequently. My father was not able to be around very often when I was a child, I would see him maybe once every six or seven months, if we were lucky, since most of the time he was serving in the military, he was overseas, and I would cry if left alone with him since Partly because I was still young, and partly because I rarely saw him, which caused me to feel insecure with my own father, eventually our relationship became relatively normal, but the stronger bond that …show more content…

My father would be working 80 hour weeks at abysmal, exhausting jobs in order to give my family enough money to survive. Once I grew up I realized that children only notice what is being done directly for them, not what is being done to make to possible. For example, My mother prepared my food, read me a story before bed, and tucked me in at night, so I associated her with feeling safe and loved. All that time, however, my father was doing everything in his power to make sure I had all of the

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