Analysis Of Matthew's Gospel

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In Matthew, Jesus performs miracles, shares parables, and teaches the way of God. The theme of Matthew 's Gospel gives evidence to Jesus as the Messiah, the son of Abraham, the one chosen by God to deliver the people from their sins (Matthew 1:1). Which places special emphasis on Jesus’ fulfillment of prophecies – the prophecy of “the Son of David’ (Matthew 12:23).
Matthew 12:1-8 highlights the Pharisees opposition to Jesus by recounting his argument with them over the fulfilment of the Sabbath. It describes a passage in which the disciples of Jesus plucked grain on the Sabbath, and the Pharisees accused Jesus of failure in keeping the law. The text also presents insights into how Jesus was intent to transform the mindset of His people. His aim was to clarify, the way things should be, when following his commands to practice the Sabbath. This paper examines Jesus’ approach to dealing with human need over law. The passage reveals that Jesus’ condemnation of the disciples ' actions by the Pharisees came not from any lawful decree, but rather from their impure hearts. In essence, the disciples acted …show more content…

It can be determined as an act of ministering to others which surpasses the law (v. 12). One of the leading areas of conflict between Jesus and Pharisees was in keeping the Sabbath. In this passage, Jesus is criticized for allowing his followers to pluck and eat grain on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees regarded this as work, which was forbidden. Jesus rejects both their interpretation and motivation. He argues that plucking grain to satisfy immediate hunger does not break the Sabbath, because both King David and the temple priests did so without suffering under God’s reprimand (vv. 3-5). Moreover, true obedience to the law should be motivated by compassion and mercy (v.6). God’s love of mercy, allowing hungry people to pick grain to eat, is greater than God’s desire for sacrifice, following Sabbath

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