Jennifer Aniston: Celebrities In The 90's

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Jennifer Anniston has something very special about her that her associates are lacking. Known by all and loved by most she has reached stardom through her breakthrough role in the hit television 90’s sitcom Friends. While her name seems common place, do the names Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, Lisa Kudrow ring a bell? For most people, they would not even though they were the costars to the same sitcom at the same time as Aniston. Why then did she rise to the top and others sink? There are a multitude of variables that fall into play when an actor starts on their trek to stardom. These people must fit narrow descriptions and appear at the correct time to captivate the hearts of America. Celebrities made in the 90’s were made and broke by what …show more content…

America was becoming starved of the typical American sweetheart until Jennifer Aniston. When she made her big debut on the hit television show Friends she made her mark as a good girl. She had that classic pretty face and slim body that fit the look that America so desperately needed. Her co-stars unfortunately did not. Take Matt LeBlanc for example, he was a classic heart throb, but trying to compete with Andrew Keegan, Luke Perry, and Leonardo DiCaprio does not leave much space for a new actor to take flight (Holleywood.Com Staff, 2017). America’s starvation for a sweetheart opened an avenue for Aniston to begin on her way to …show more content…

No, that is not her manager or publicist. Rachel Greene was Jennifer Aniston’s character. Rachel Greene was the girl every girl was envious of and the girl every guy was head over heels for. Rachel Greene had it all and by default it seems Aniston did too. Rachel was one of the main characters in the show and while it has been said the main six characters were portrayed equally the show seems to centralize around Rachel Greene and her life. Jennifer Aniston was literally the center of attention and it showed. She chose to audition for the character she knew would be in almost every scene, have arguably the best story line, the most drama, and be the most recognizable. Being cast to play Rachel Greene was like being the Neil Armstrong of the show. Sure, Buzz Aldrin was there too just like the rest of the cast was on the show and sure he was important just like the cast was to the show, but still when you think man on the moon you think Neil Armstrong and when you think friends you think Rachel Greene. When she was shown somewhere other than on Friends people recognized her as at the very least “That one girl from Friends”. While Rachel was not the favorite of the characters of the show, she was the most prominent, and still when people say Friends the television show everyone’s mind jumps to Jennifer

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