Jeanne-Marie Leprince De Beaumont's Othello

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Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont’s fairytale Beauty and the Beast and Shakespeare’s novel Othello both feature a beautiful heroine that both develop in their own way. Beauty, from Beauty and the Beast, the youngest and most beautiful daughter of a merchant, remains extremely loyal to her father, and depends on her family greatly. While Desdemona, from Othello, is a young, wild, and independent woman who doesn’t depend on anyone other than Othello. In how they reflect the change in the heroine characters relationships, both Beauty and Desdemona conform to the concept of the Beauty character, or the main beautiful heroine of the story. Beauty and Desdemona are both these amazing beauties, and yet each of the characters find themselves in different developments throughout the stories. Although, Beauty and Desdemona have similarities, especially in their astonishing beauty, nevertheless, they differ in their advancing relationships with the beast character, their readiness for marriage, and the overall independence of both character. …show more content…

Growing up, Beauty received her name by constantly being referred to as “Little Beauty” (133). This name follows her throughout life, making her two elder sisters extremely envious. Desdemona was described, by a character referred to as Cassio, as one “that paragons description and wild fame” (II.1 61-62). In more modern terms, Desdemona is being portrayed as someone who is more beautiful than any other people, or things, in the world. When people look at Beauty or Desdemona, all that is seen is their incredible outer beauty. However, there is more to each character than just their beauty and they differ a great deal when their personalities are finally

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