Jean Card: Is America The Dystopia?

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George, Keyshaun 3/21/17 McNeal,M. Philosophy Essay 3 Card, Jean. "America the Dystopia?" U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News & World Report, 13 May 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2017. Each and every day the world changes and steers toward the looks of a futuristic dystopian fiction. The government we live under shows signs of a future dystopia each and every day. Jean Card claims “And I'm not just talking about the jaw-dropping nature of our presidential election. Consider the growth of global jihadism, the specter of environmental Armageddon/global warming or the continuance of worldwide economic dysfunction – there are many, many more signs that capital-H-historic cultural and political changes are not just happening, they are gaining momentum. …show more content…

The world is changing and the question is if it's for the better or for the worse. America as a nation could be headed for the loss of ideas and ideals of the past and no idea what this dystopian world has waiting for us in the future. In 1984 by George Orwell, he states "The past was dead, the future was unimaginable." (Part 1, Chapter 2, pg. 28). Jean Card claims “In the worlds of dystopian science fiction, there are no small businesses, just corporations that are run by, or in conjunction with, the Big Government...And the oppressed thirst and fight for basic rights, such as freedom of speech, expression and association”(Jean Card). The start of a future dystopia is now, and it’ll only be so long till we have forgotten the past. Our present years from now could be non-existent, and perhaps possibly erased from history. A …show more content…

Televised elections, political debates, and social media all have an affect on how we perceive certain ideas and ways of doing things. The ideas created by these individuals who are on television and social media are people that we all look at and trust and believe on a daily basis. Who says that this isn’t a way to gain control and prepare for a dystopia in the future. If they can get you to believe what they say is true, why wouldn’t the vast majority of individuals in America not follow in the footsteps of these icons who are spitting out information about various topics on the daily. An American Dystopia could be the future and only time will tell what our future

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