Jane Campion In Film: Jane Campion On Film

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Campion on Film Jane Campion has been a writing and directing powerhouse since even before her first feature film Sweetie (1989). Her works and direction garners certain attributes that are distinctly Campion-esq. From characters to images and the way they are presented on screen nothing is quiet like Campion on film. Firstly, there exists a darkness to her films that is unique to each film and the story it tells as well as uniform in its lurking presence throughout her oeuvre. When referring to the "darkness" that lingers in her films, not always is this darkness a malicious or insidious thing. Sometimes it takes the form of a bleak personality or a dark setting. In The Piano (1993) the main character Eda (Holly Hunter) starts out as the bleak creature. While she finds joy in her daughter and her playing, she does not speak, and the start of her marriage and new life is lackluster and difficult. Eda at one point deems her piano to be polluting her life and so she has it cast into the sea, thus freeing her of bad luck and sorrow. In this case the piano symbolized the darkness as it clung to her and literally drags her down. Other films play into darker settings, surrounds, or atmospheres. her earlier short films …show more content…

It admittedly gets confusing trying to figure out whether or not a character's action is right or wrong, but Campion films are very rarely about right, wrong, or justice they are about the actions themselves and the reactions that they cause. Her films always seem to be character studies that put a microscope to the cause and effect of events as opposed to the moral or ethics that surround the events. It is refreshing and at first odd to watch some of the scenes that give no hint on how to feel, but the different type of movie-watching experience it creates is wonderful and explicitly

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