James Taylor Fire And Rain

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When James Taylor’s album, Sweet Baby James, was introduced in February of 1970, the country was still in a daze from the Vietnam War, the Kennedy and King assassinations, and the Manson murders. The country needed a something thoughtful and serene to make it through the foreign and domestic chaos; James Taylor’s album was just that. The lyrics in Sweet Baby James and specifically “Fire and Rain” turned out to be some of the most relatable lyrics of the time period. People could listen to a song and automatically hear their own situations in it. Not surprisingly, Sweet Baby James and “Fire and Rain” ended up being Top Five hits by the end of 1970 (Browne). Knowing background information is pertinent in fueling the meaning of the song. When analyzing James Taylor’s song “Fire and Rain,” one can see that it contains superb examples of allusion, juxtaposition, and symbolism that are prevalent in poetry. The poetic devises used in this song amplify the song’s overall theme of grief. …show more content…

An allusion to the abominable events is evident in the following lines, “Just yesterday morning they let me know you were gone/Susanne the plans they made put an end to you,” (L 1, 2). These lyrics provide the image of death; therefore, connecting the listener to the allusion presented. In the seventies, death was all around America in many different forms: the death of peace, the death of people and the death of the economy. The “deaths” reached everyone in the nation, whether it be from the television, newspaper, radio, or actual experience, causing a widespread sense of

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