Jack's Savagery

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The decadence of civilization and order began when the leader Ralph was accused of being a coward by Jack, and so he decided to go on a hunt with the rest of the hunters. He was overcome with pride when he was the only hunter to stab the pig. This was the first time Ralph had let the beast inside of him be seen. All of the boys were showing signs of savagery. According to Howard S. Babb, the first killing of the pig gratifies Jack’s pleasure in hunting and the initial success of the littluns in having “imposed their will” on “a living thing” (43).The forming of the two different tribes, did nothing to lessen the problems. Jack, the leader of the savages based his philosophy of surviving on killing and hunting. On one of his groups’ hunting …show more content…

The killing of Simon was the first major death that impacted the novel. They believed that what came running out of the woods was the beast and began to attack it relentlessly (not realizing that the beast was actually Simon). All of the boys, including Ralph and Piggy beat Simon because they think Simon is the beast and they fulfill the Lord of the Flies’ “Prophecy ” (Spitzer). All of the boys are overcome by their evil side. The killing of Simon represents the progression of savagery in the boys’ souls. It also reflects the darkness of mankind. “I wasn’t scared,” said Ralph slowly, ” I was – I don’t know what I was. ” When Ralph realizes that the beast that they killed the night before was actually Simon, he is filled with guilt and insists to Piggy that they have taken part in that murder. Piggy denies Ralph and pretends that he had nothing to do with the killing. Simon’s death clearly presents that evil does exist in man, but in a higher state. Golding again manages to convey his message clearly to the reader that evil does exist in man, but to a higher extent. The death of Piggy also reflects the evil side and darkness that resides in mankind.“The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee….The rock bounced twice and was lost in the forest. Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across that square, red rockin the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red. Piggy’s arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pig’s after it has been killed” (Golding,222). Roger at this point has been fully taken over by the darkness in his soul, and doesn’t even think properly, which resulted in a murder of an innocent being. The evil side in their souls has controlled them and lead them to do something that is completely savage and cruel. Golding has succeeded in proving that evil is truly inherent in

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