J Kennedy Used Book Shop Poetic Devices

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A vital poetic device in “Used Book Shop” are similes, as it helps describe something more clearly and creatively. The narrator in the poem thought that reading all the books in the shop was “...like eating popcorn,/it’s hard to stop.” The poet uses the simile to creatively show how addicted he or she was to reading books in the used bookshop. The store had “...folks, like cows/in grassy meadows,/stand and browse.” This simile is used to describe the customers and they way they are acting in the used bookshop, and I have a more clear visualization of the people in the store. The narrator thought a book “...was twice as much/as my new iPod.” Kennedy uses the simile to express the narrator’s enjoyment of the books he or she was reading, and can’t …show more content…

In the poem, Kennedy writes the following when the narrator finds “a book my dad/when he was in high school/had once had,” and “...was twice as much fun/as my new iPod” (107). The books the narrator reads in the bookshop are different from each other, as books are always different, and they all have unique ideas. Also, the poem quotes, “I even found/a book my dad/when he was in high school/had once had.” This assigned school book the narrator finds in the store holds memories of his or her father from when he was in school, and that the books from this store are very old-fashioned, hence the “used” in the title. Lastly, the narrator “...always get hooked/in this dusty shop.” The narrator is hooked with all of the books in the bookshop, getting very stimulated by the books he or she reads, and really enjoys being in the store in general. The books creates a major theme in the poem “Used Book Shop”, which is teaching. This is also an important theme in the poems The Floral Apron and Legacies, as the grandmother and older woman want to or are teaching the next generation about virtues or legacies. This theme is made in the poem by having books as a big part of it, as they usually have plenty of information in it to teach the people reading the book. Everybody should be able to read and learn, and unfortunately not all people are provided with books as some can’t afford or find

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